Monday, November 09, 2009

Books on the mind

Wow, so i actually remembered that i had a blog. Life's been pretty crazy for the past 2 years. and things are only starting to calm down now.
I find ive been itching for something to do with myself. And the only thing that I keep coming back to is the possibility of writing a story. a Novel. it's something that ive always wanted to do. I have a problem though.... I can never seem to stay motivated long enough. maybe it's that i havnt figured out something interesting enough to myself to write about ?
When i think about writing... i think i would like to write about something that would give me pleasure to read.
Im listening to All The Things She Said - Tatu right now. and i can't help but think of their struggles that they must have ovecome and how many times that they had to screw up before they got something right. The song is about a war within theirselves and with everyone around them because they cant help who they love.

And i think that maybe its the same thing with everything... a war within yourself and with everyone around to do what you love or to fight for what you love. but i have to get a grasp at that love first. i havnt found something that id love to write.
ive had many ideas but could never carry through with any of them.

I just finished reading books 1 -6 of the House of Night series by P.C Cast & Kiersten Cast. The books cast a spell on me ;) ..... lol cast and cast :P
I learned that i loved to read when i was in grade 8 when i read Harry Potter and the Escape From Azkaban. I don't know why i started with book 3 but i did. i saw the book and when i brushed my fingers along the spine, it reaked of the magick within. I was hooked.
I read the whole series. and had the last book delivered to my front door on the day of its release.
I found that i hated movies about novels after i'd read the book. they never make it right and they always leave out SO much information that you feel like they've robbed you.
I decided firmly that i felt this way after seeing Eragon. I had already read the book and the second book of the triligy. i still need to get Brisinger. The next signifigant book series that came into my life was Twilight by Stephanie Mayer.
I loved Twilight. But i hated New moon, i couldnt stand how pathetic Bella was in it and how she went stupid crazy. I'd like to think that Twilight changed my view on fantasy books though.
So after i finished the House Of Night series(which by the way totally changed how i saw vampires and opened many door in my mind for how they can be and not what they've typically been in the past century) i went on to read City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Im not done reading this book yet. in about half way through it. and so far i love it ... how she put so much thought into crossing a magical invisible world with our own world, that only people with the Sight could see.
When i think about fantasey books.. theyre always about teenagers... and why is it that that seems normal to me? i'd like to read about someone my own age. im 21. something a little more mature. but when i think of writing a book the characters are always teenagers... maybe thats why i cant stay interested? because there's always another vampire story about a teenager.
Then i thought about a book i read ( a romance book.. with a bit of soul-finding) called Good In Bed by Jennifer Weiner. i used to read alot of romance novels when i was younger and in dreams of what the perfect man would be like.. so this was new for me in the midst of my collection of fantesy novels. I loved how it was about a bigger girl. because im not the tiniest girl myself. never have been. I stand at 5'11 and weight around 190 pounds. and yes thats my real weight.
But i dont think i would like to write about an obese vampire :P lol. nor would it interest me to read.
So ive figured out that if i write something it needs to be about someone thats older and a little more mature... but someone with a bit of funny in them. :) but changing the age of the character totally changes the mind set and storyline of the character.... but maybe thats a good thing? i would have to change everything from how he/she was raised to what thy did everyday.
hmm well i guess thats some food for thought.