Wednesday, July 20, 2011


ok so i think ive established already that im bad at up dating! its July 20th, in 9 days my daughter will be 1 year old!!! its crazy!!!
Araija, you're everything to me. this first year with you has been amazing. youve completely turned my life around and have made me a better person. everything that i want to be is because of you. im so glad that youre a part of my world, i couldn't imagine life without you now! i love that you still cuddle like you did when you were only 5 lbs! and your hair is finally growing back in! it's so soft! you've got such a personality! youre cute on purpose, silly, and goofy! but when you don't get your way.. LOOK OUT. hehehe, you've got quite the set of lungs on you!.
things that are cute:
- your toes, even you love them!
- the way that you've taken to scooting across the floor on your bum.
- the way that you grunt like a little gremlin!!!
- the touch then tickle game that you like playing when its bathtime.
- youve been taking to throwing your head back, squishing your eyes closed and giving an all tooth grin! hehe with all of your 8 teeth!
- the way you dont like arisol cans... hehe like hairspray or sunscreen.
- how you love each and every one of your teddy bears, and get so excited when you see them, then the hug that follows.
- when you try to steal MY teddy bear..... hahaha
- the faces you make when trying new food
- when i put your Baby Einstein movies on you are totally mesmerized.

Friday, March 04, 2011

its been a while

so its been a while since ive been able to post anything. i ended up having my daughter 6 weeks early at the end of July 2010. and so she just turned 7 months old. i went shopping today for a dress for myself. Araija is getting Baptized this Sunday so i needed something nice to wear.
I got a beautiful purple dress with a nice necklace and earrings. I love Pennington's <3 and Addition Elle <3
I've also been doing a lot of painting and am in the process of finishing another one for a friend. i hope that she likes it :D